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Reimagine Business Intelligence with a Conversational Approach

By March 10, 2022June 9th, 2023Events2 mins read
BI with conversational approach

As enterprises increasingly focus on establishing a data-driven culture, the real goal of any such data program would be enabling access to clean data across the enterprise for diverse sets of users and the ability to provide the right set of tools to derive insights out of data. As per a Gartner study, NLP and a conversational approach to analytics will boost Business Intelligence adoption to over 50%, including new classes of users.

For the digital native users of today, most of the information and utility needs are momentary.

Armed with smartphones, that are more powerful than the supercomputers till a few years back, users want to get instant access to information, to solve a problem, to produce a report, to respond to a situation, or most importantly, to make a decision – all at this very moment.

A conversational approach could help, by steering the conversation along a certain path guiding the user to ask the right set of questions, and helping them expand their point of view before coming to the right conclusions. A conversational approach is preferred because it does not require additional training.

Say Hello to Kea, our low-code platform for Conversational Insights, built on top of Azure cognitive services, including Custom Speech and LUIS, that can help you get meaningful answers for your momentary information needs and more.

Learn more on how these platform accelerators can help your organization needs and more significantly help you achieve the much needed time to market gains.

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